
Showing posts from July, 2020

A Midwest Legacy

The legacy I was left was a couple of lots in Benton, Kentucky .  A small town near Kentucky Lake, Benton, was an interesting place for a new neighborhood, but my grandfather had foresight and was determined that with some hard work this area would prove fruitful.  Many years later his 20 grandchildren inherited the lots left to be sold.  For me the money from selling these lots was enough to pay for a large chunk of my college.  The ability to come out of college debt free is an accomplishment that I cherish and which I am forever grateful to my grandfather for. The financial freedom that I gained from this seemingly simple plan my grandfather put into action left me with a desire.  For a while this desire was still hidden in the depths beyond more immediate desires (getting married, buying a house, having a kid, etc...), but with the birth of my son this past August this desire flew out of the depths and planted itself firmly in front of me.  This desire is to leave a legacy that all